Honourable Chair, Fellow Delegates,

    The Delegation of India feels that all countries should pay attention to the sustainable development and environmental protection. Green development is important. India is a big country and the development is very fast, but during development, India may pay less attention to the protection on the air and water pollution. All countries share the air and water, in order to have a better world, India wishes all countries to have waste treatment or pollution legislation. In 1974, India had established the first law on environmental protection- the Water Pollution Control Law which defined a new mechanism to monitor the government in eliminating the pollution in cities and punish polluters. India also closed the open-air crematoriums which are next to the rivers in order to protect the water and the air.  To protect the environment, citizens are the main actors and India strongly hopes every country would deal with the public education so that citizens can understand the seriousness of environment. India appeals to every country to pay more attention to environment protection while developing and working together to control environmental pollution. 

Thank you,

The delegation of India Yields the floor to the Chair

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