A1.   Mediterranean and Black Sea sharks critically endangered, UN agency warns
A2.  http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=44368&Cr=fishing&Cr1=#.UUU0ZxdTC4k
A3.   The United Nation Food and Agriculture warned that the sharks in Maditerranean and Black Sea are seriously in danger. The main shark species have also declined by half the number since the early 1990s.Because they have low fecundity,late muturity and also grow slowly.Due to their low fecundity ,overfishing and also the damage of their habitat, the number of the sharks in these areas reduce gradually.The FAO’s General Fishing Commission for the Mediterranean would take some action to protect the sharks, avoid the removing of the shark's fin.
A4.  The UN involve a variety part of the world issues, not only the global economy,conflicts,relationship and etc, but also the environment and natural resourses. Although the UN may not solve the issues by itself, it can point out the serious problem and let the countries , organization and authority realize the issue. And also let them know the importance of protecting the natural resourses.
A5. The UN may not slove the issues by use their own ability.The UN may promote the development of the countries.The UN is resposible for the global issues .they also observe the situation of each case.
they warn the countries and organization to  be award of the serous issue.

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