The Obesity Pandemic

Honorable Chair, Esteemed fellow delegates, good morning.

At first, the delegate of Chile wants to thank for WHO because it help all the country a lot about the health. It gives us the data all the time. The Obesity problem in Chile is very serious. There are over 65% people in Chile which are overweight. In the modern world, many people are rich now, so they needn’t work by themselves and the officers are just sitting on the chairs. Then, they become fatter and fatter. The delegate of Chile thinks that we can’t be like this anymore and we must strongly suggest all the citizens to do exercises. The second point is that many people like to eat puffed food such as chips and they also like to have drinks such as Coke. Chile strongly hopes that these companies won’t make these foods a lot.

Thank you,
The Delegation of Chile yields the floor to the Chair

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