1. New UN study proposes ways to close additional $10 billion funding gap for education
2. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=44401&Cr=education&Cr1=#.UUXfITl3I5E
3. This talks about the UNESCO call up the world to make the education resources better. They made the policy:  "if governments and donors directed 20 per cent of their budgets to education, the move would raise $12 billion". They suggest the developing countries adding tax to make use the resources.  The world leaders agreed to achieve by 2015. In addition, Europeans agreed to aid 0.7 percent of their gross national income.
4. This article tells us about the UNESCO cares about the education part in the world. It means that the UN not only focus on how much international laws they made, or how much safe it is, but also education, and hoping make children a better place. However, everything come with a price. It is true that the UN need a lot of money to support the idea. No one can have such a lot of money, and this make me feel like, this organization must have background. I understand that the UN is just making a policy to encourage the world to make the education better, but even a tiny little organization need a lot of money. So that must be true that there is some backgrounds.
5. We haven't discuss much about this. In their opinions, the UN can influence a lot to the world and especially the security council. We talk about the veto power from this 5 countries. The decision they made might be right, and this is not unfair. For there are 5 big country with extremely strong financial powers that can absolutely influence the whole world. Therefore, it seemed not so unfair because money is almost the most powerful things in the 

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