All right, all of us have finished our SOCIAL Study project, and
our team has got 43 points. I don’t know this marks is high or low, but I think
I have learn something about this project. First, I have go over my lessons.
When we make the PPT, we can still go over our lessons. This is all so a chance
that to understand things we don’t know on the lessons. We all think about that
Ms. Ku speak too fast and we have no time to take notes and something we can’t
understand. By this project, we can learn things by our classmates’ project.
Second, this is a chance that to learn how to teach during a class(and can give
them homework o (∩_∩)o ), and I think I have make some good
points, such as make the project interesting, make a good example and have good
public speaking point. But I think I speak a quite quick because of that we
don’t have enough time!!!! And my group member also have to improve something,
such as Nina must speak more loud . Although we haven’t got enough time, but all
of us have finish our project. That’s good!

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