1. Topic: Development and Pollution
Honorable chair, and fellow delegates,

     The delegation of the UK feels that all the member states should pay more attention on reducing pollution than development. The UK understands the need and the importance of development, but there are already lots of serious problems about air pollution, land pollution, and water pollution, and it is very clear that keep only focusing in development would make environment worse and worse. In 1952, The UK had to face a very serious smog pollution which was caused by development. Then the UK had established Clean Air Act (1968) to reduce producing smoke in the factories. The UK wishes every member states to establish laws about controlling and reducing wastes. The UK further wishes all the countries to use more Eco technology and renewable sources, such as solar energy and geothermal power generation, as using non-renewable sources of energy has increased Greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The delegation of the UK also hopes for more effective solution in debate.

Thank You,

The Delegation of the UK would like to Yield the floor to the Chair

2. Topic: The Obesity Pandemic
Honorable Chair, and fellow delegates,

         The delegation of the UK feels that the member states should control and try to reduce the number of obesity. As the quality of life is improving, the number of obesity is increasing and it has been a serious health problem especially in the developed countries, such as the US and the UK. In the UK data from 2010 shows that 26.1% of adults are obese, and the data from 2004 shows that 34.1% of children are obese. Obesity can cause many diseases such as heart problems, diabetes, and cancers, but according to the WHO, obesity is largely preventable. The UK wishes developed countries to tell their citizens to control their calories, and establish obesity tax to reduce the obesity rate. The UK strongly wishes developed countries to establish the laws to tell the companies and schools making enough time to exercise, as the short exercising time is causing the childhood obesity. The UK also hopes for more effective solution in debate.

Thank You,

The Delegation of the UK Yields the floor to the Chair

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