I think I didn't do well in this presentation because of my voice. Well, my voice is too small, I know that, but I just can't speak loudly in front of so many students and teachers. I was shy and nervous during that time. The team before us didn't control their time so our team's time was pressing. I prepared some examples to explain my topic, but I didn't have time to talk about it. This experience was not good for me because my voice was too small, I could not sure if everyone in the classroom can hear me, but I think the students at the back could not hear me clearly. Our team's PPT was nice. Mr. Andy said that there could not be too many words on the PPT so our team members didn't put many words on it. I think our team should practice more because before we gave the presentation, we seldom talk with each other about our own part of the presentation. We need to practice more. I learned that when I speak to others, I must speak loudly so that everyone can hear me. Then if we have teamwork, the team members should practice more and check the PPT before we start the presentation. Although I didn't do well in this presentation, I had experience about how to have a presentation and the importance of teamwork. I think giving the 9A students and 10A students homework was fun. I hope I will do better next time. Thank you.

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